Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Detroit-Blues by Helen Zia

From Stephen S.

1.)The main character in the reading would have to be Vincent Chin, who was twenty seven, had been killed by two white men, who were obviously envious of him. They saw him in the strip club with his friends and he and his friends had all the attention of the strippers because they had the most money because Chin's friends took him out for his bachelor party. The white men beat him with a bat and he was pronounced dead a few days later.
This touching case led Asian Americans, particularly his guardian, because he was adopted, Mrs. Chin with the assistance of other Asian Americans to create the ACJ. The ACJ stands for American Citizens for Justice, seeking for Asian American justice.

2.)The reading was very emotional and touching. It made me feel as if I was experiencing it myself. The reading was very detailed, as well. Vincent Chin will be and is a very important figure in the Asian Americans possibility of finally fitting in the American culture. The main idea was that this organization was mainly created because of Vincent Chin.
The most important quote in the reading would have to be the Asian man who had "trained white boys straight out of college and now they are his boss...", yet he trained them ironically. He believed he didn't get promoted simply because the fact that he was Asian.

3.)If this organization called the ACJ was not formed, would many more Asian Americans have died today, and would it be worse without it?

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