Wednesday, October 10, 2007

No-No Boy, Chapters 5-8 by John Okada

From Zoe

1) Identify and briefly define important words, terms, concepts, or character's?

Ichiro in these chapters is trying to find a job. Ichiro goes to Mr. Carrick looking for one. Mr. Carrick has a factory of snow plows, but Ichiro in the end does not want this job. Mr. Carrick is important to Ichiro because after speaking to him, he realized that there was hope in him feeling better about not going to war. Mr. Kanno is Kenjei’s father. Kenjei is a friend of Ichiro’s. Kenjei passes away and Ichiro has to bring Kenjei’s car back to his home. Mr. Kanno is waiting at home and when Ichiro arrives he asks about the status of his son. Ichiro begins to lie and does not tell him that his son passed away. Mr. Kanno responds, “My son and I had no secrets and if death is the truth about which you wish not to speak to me, do not speak at all”(p182). Emi was a close friend of Kenjei. She is married to a man named Ralph. Ralph was in the war but never returned from Japan. Ralph does not return because he is ashamed of his brother’s actions. Emi becomes very close to Ichiro after Kenjei dies.

2) Summarize the main idea, theme, action, or event of the reading. Be sure to Include quotation that best captures the overall feeling or mood of the reading.

“But you made so many mistakes. It was a mistake to have ever left Japan. It was a mistake to leave Japan and to come to America and to have two sons and it was a mistake to think that you could keep us completely Japanese in a country such as America”(p 186). This is how Ichiro became a No-No boy. His mother tried her hardest to keep her children in a Japanese state of mind, but lived in an American world. This caused a lot of confusion for Ichiro. “If anything, my hatred for you would have grown. You are dead and I feel a little peace and I want very much for you to know the happiness that you tried so hard to give me…”(p187). Ichiro now feels like a load has lifted off his shoulders. His mother cause him so much stress and this caused him to slowly hate her but still respect her.

3) Formulate a question for discussion. the question should be relatively substantial, based upon a specified passage or scene from the text, and capable of sustaining a thoughtful discussion.

Now that his mother is no longer a burden on him, will Ichiro change his life?

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